Balanitis is a condition where the head of the penis (glans) is inflamed. It may occur in uncircumcised men. It can be treated with antibiotics, creams, and in some cases, circumcision.
Balanoposthitis is a condition where the head of the penis (glans) and foreskin are inflamed. It occurs in uncircumcised men. It can be treated with antibiotics, creams, and in some cases, circumcision.
The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. It is better to detect the cancer early, when it is still curable. The majority of these tumours can be removed by minimally invasive surgery. Close follow up is essential as the tumours have a tendency to recur.
Microscopic traces of blood in the urine may sometimes be detected during health check. Occasionally, blood in the urine is visible with the naked eye. It is recommended to get a thorough evaluation, as blood in the urine may be a symptom of a serious medical problem.
Circumcision is surgical removal of the foreskin. Some of the reasons for needing a circumcision are: • recurrent infection of the foreskin • recurrent tears of the foreskin • narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis) • hygiene reasons • religious purposes
Men are often too shy to consult their doctor about this problem. However, ED may be an early sign of a serious medical problem, so it is better to check it out. Medications for ED are effective and the choice of medication depends the condition and the needs of the patient.
Vasectomy is an effective and permanent method for family planning. It can be performed as day surgery through two small incisions. It is recommended to continue protected sexual intercourse after vasectomy, until it is confirmed there is no more sperm in the semen.
The common symptom of this condition is a bulge or lump in the groin. The bulge is caused by fatty tissues or intestine protruding through a weakness in the groin. If not treated, the hernia can become painful or the tissues inside become stuck or damaged. Inguinal hernia is best treated with surgery, which can be performed using keyhole or open technique.
Early stage kidney cancer may not cause any symptoms. When the cancer gets bigger, it can cause blood in the urine or abdominal pain. The usual treatment for kidney cancer is surgical removal of the cancer; sometimes the kidney affected with cancer needs to be completely removed. Surgery can be performed using keyhole or open technique.
Urinary stones may cause severe pain, blood in the urine and damage to the kidney. Smaller stones can be treated with medication; larger stones need to be treated with shockwave therapy or removal through a scope.
Laparoscopic surgery is performed using small keyhole incisions. There is usually less postoperative pain compared to open surgery, and recovery is faster.
Men with low levels of testosterone may suffer from erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual desire, fatigue and mood swings. Treatment with testosterone supplementation can help to alleviate these symptoms and improve quality of life. Treatment is either with 3-monthly injection or daily application of a gel.
Sometimes a couple is not able to have children because the male partner cannot produce good quality sperm. Treatment with supplements or medication may help to improve the quantity and quality of the sperm. Surgical treatment of varicocoele may improve the sperm count as well.
Waking up at night to pass urine is known as nocturia, and can affect quality of sleep. There are effective treatments available for nocturia, depending on the cause.
Patients with this condition suffer from frequent urges to pass urine, and sometimes leakage of urine. Patients should get checked to ensure that the symptoms are not caused by other serious conditions. Treatment is effective and includes pelvic floor exercises and medication to help relax the bladder.
Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is too tight and cannot be pulled back to expose the head of the penis. Phimosis may not cause any problem, on the other hand it can cause discomfort and tearing of the skin, especially during erection or sexual intercourse. Phimosis can be treated with circumcision
Patients who ejaculate too quickly do not enjoy sufficient sexual intimacy and may feel frustrated. Medication is available to treat this problem.
Prostate biopsy is a procedure indicated for patients who are suspected to have prostate cancer. In this procedure, tiny samples of prostate tissue are obtained using a special needle.
Prostate cancer usually affects men older than 50 years of age. In the early stage the first sign of cancer may just be an elevated PSA level. If cancer is suspected, a prostate biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. A range of treatments are available, ie. surgery, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and active surveillance. Treatment of the cancer is effective, however side effects may occur depending on the treatment.
Prostate enlargement usually affects older men. It may cause difficulty in urinating, frequent urge to urinate and waking up excessively at night to urinate. Most mild cases can be treated with medication. Surgery is minimally invasive and is highly effective for treatment of severe cases.
Prostatitis is a condition affecting the prostate that can lead to persistent pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum and perineum. It can be caused by bacterial infection, but quite frequently the cause of the inflammation cannot be found. There are various treatments for prostatitis, including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication and prostate medication.
PSA is a blood test used to screen for prostate cancer. If the PSA is raised, there is a need for further evaluation of the prostate. We provide comprehensive evaluation which includes: • physical examination • ultrasound of the prostate • blood and urine tests • MRI of the prostate • targeted prostate biopsy through transrectal or transperineal method
PSA is a blood test used to screen for prostate cancer. If the PSA is raised, there is a need for further evaluation of the prostate. We provide comprehensive evaluation which includes: • physical examination • ultrasound of the prostate • blood and urine tests • MRI of the prostate • targeted prostate biopsy through transrectal or transperineal method
The first sign of testicular cancer is a hard lump in the testicle, which is often painless. Ultrasound will confirm the diagnosis. The treatment is removal of the affected testicle, and radiotherapy or chemotherapy if the cancer has spread. The success rate for treatment is very high, even for cases where the cancer has spread.
Tumours of the adrenal gland may produce excessive amounts of hormones and give rise to high blood pressure, body weakness and weight gain. The tumours can usually be removed with keyhole surgery.
Urinary incontinence can cause great inconvenience and may also be a sign of a serious underlying problem. Common causes include overactive bladder, prostate enlargement (in men) and weak pelvic floor (in women). The treatment includes medication, pelvic floor exercises and surgery.
Urinary tract infection is a common ailment. Some women are afflicted with repeated episodes of UTI. Women with recurrent UTI, as well as male patients with UTI, should be checked to see if they have any serious underlying problem. Treatment with the appropriate antibiotic is essential. Women with recurrent UTI may benefit from cranberry supplements or probiotics.